The Baby Boomer Generation

The Baby Boomer Generation

Monday, August 1, 2011

Here we go again...fighting over the budget!!

Let's see, every year we are held hostage while our elected officials fight over the budget. Social Security recipients are threatened,  health care and  welfare benefits are threatened for low income families...once again  and oh yea, our elected officials want to give the wealthy more....again! There have even been rumors that Baby Boomers are to blame.  Yes there are 80 millions Boomers, yes we paid into Social Security all our lives so that we could have a little more to live comfortably in our retirement years, and yep, we are living longer because we are more health conscious. However, we shouldn't have to apologize for any of these things, and we certainly didn't create this budget crisis. Actually, our elected officials have been aware of the Social Security situation for years, they've known about the 2.1 trillion deficit for some time as well, but they wait every year until the eleventh hour to fight..every year.

As a  former government employee, I know what it is to work with people you don't like, (hell, I was afraid that if some of those co-workers walked in front of my car in the parking lot I wouldn't be able to resist the urge to run them over!) But I managed to work with them and play nice for the sake of progress. Compromises had to be made.  I expect our elected officials to do the same.

I must add that we voters have to share a small burden of responsibility for this fiasco, because we get mad as they hold us hostage and then when the crisis is over, we continue to elect and re-elect. What we should do is hold them to their campaign promises of bi-partisanship  for the "greater good"!

I don't have a solution to this never ending budget crisis. I am just angry that we go through this every year. I can't help but think....if you want different results you have to do something different...damn it!

dee dee


Olia58 said...

Very well said!

BoboBat said...

DeeDee, you found the nail that’s in the middle of a haystack, and hit it dead square on the top of the head, while wearing a blindfold and swinging the hammer behind your back with your left hand and holding a cup of coffee in your right hand!

The next election – no matter for what office – I’m voting for you, so get the U-Haul ready!

I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know……anything. The way that I see it, our elected officials are first, and foremost, politicians – and politics is all about gamesmanship. Slight-of-hand. Smoke screens. “Nothing up my sleeve!” Concrete wool……pulled over the eye. Distract and deflect.

Be ye Democrat, or be ye Republican – ye must follow the rules of the game: take all the credit that you can – for The Team (because The Team is always right); place all blame on the Other Guys; and never, ever even hint that you / The Team……are wrong. Do ye that, and ye shall: be ‘employed’ for as long as ye like; have ye hands ‘greased’; and retire on a 6(?) figure pension.

Yep……that’s the ticket to bipartisanship. East is east, and West is west – and never the two trains shall meet. Point your finger, slap that face, and take your bows……

I would think that to see real progress, we have to stop voting for Democrats and Republicans……and start voting for more Dee Dees!

Now that’s the ticket……!