The Baby Boomer Generation

The Baby Boomer Generation

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Future

Now that we are at this age, what are some of the options that are available to the baby boomers? Are you going to retire and travel, move to the country (like my sister censixx), or just relax and let life pass you by? These are some of the questions that need to be answered. So give your opinion because you may be helping someone who is in deep deliberation on these things. All comments are welcome. 


Olia58 said...

I write. I enjoy writing short stories, and I am writing my second novel.
I periodically go to events, set up a table and sell cute items. It's fun meeting other retired vendors and sharing information.
I also plan to join a dance class, soon. Gotta' keep that blood flowing.

SWilliams said...

Yes, my brother, the future. It is now. Now is the future, or is it? Don’t let its boldness hold you. It is yours for the taking, for from conception, to inception, to protection of all sections, the future has been yours, mine, and ours for the taken. But do not think the future is now, for now is not what represents us, it is the future. Think back, way back, to 10 seconds of lack. Do you think now like you thought then? Of course not, for now you are thinking of what: The Future, that’s what. Behold it and control it. Have I sold it?

The future my brother. Yes, the future.

The baby boomers nation must resist the temptation to think of the past and come close to last. We must move and groove to prove that our future is smooth. Smooooooooth.

The future my brother. Yes, the future.

SWilliams said...

Relax and enjoy the ride. Enjoy each day like it's the last.