The Baby Boomer Generation

The Baby Boomer Generation

Monday, July 23, 2012

Divorce among BabyBoomers

Watching the news yesterday, there was a lawyer on there explaining why the BabyBoomers Generation has a higher rate of divorces than other generations. It seems like our generation divorce rate has to do with us not needing each other after the kids have gone. The man and the woman both have careers and are going in different directions.In some cases the woman feels she doesn't need a man if her income is higher than his.(i'm sure I might get some flack for that statement). And the man feels he has fulfilled his obligations, and now its time to move on.

What ever happened to love? Nobody wants to be in love anymore. All it is now statements like, "you're holding me back", "I need to try other things". All this says is that you have forgotten the reason you got married in the first place.

Now, I do realize that some marriages don't work out for other reasons, but it seems that we have let go of our most important values for the lure of the buck, and that old saying that "the grass looks greener on the other side".

Well it might look greener now, but it still will need watering just like your other relationship.

1 comment:

BeeBop said...

Good post, HW. I'm tempted to say that 'Love' - as we knew it, back in the day - went the way of iridescent slacks, and 'stingy brims'.....and both of them don't seem likely to be making any comeback, anytime soon.